"I want families to enjoy the beautiful journey of receiving a baby in their lives and that’s why my mission is to support, educate and empower them, so that they can have a happy journey and give their little one the best start."
Here you will find reliable sources of evidence-based information and tools for your feeding / sleep journey.
♡ Bodywork for babies.
Oral and body tension in babies can result in difficulties with feeding or sleep. Babies with oral or body tension/asymmetry (such as torticollis) might benefit from bodywork, which can be done with gentle massage or craniosacral therapy, by an infant chiropractor, craniosacral therapist, osteopath or massage therapist. Babies with tongue ties often need bodywork, this is particularly important before and after a tongue tie release. Please check the linked pages below. If you feel your baby might need bodywork, you suspect your baby has a tongue tie, and/or you're having difficulties with feeding your baby please reach out, we would love to help! You can contact us by clicking here.
Suck training:
Suck Training & Tongue To Palate
Advanced breastfeeding care: Suck training
Baby Suck Training Exercises for Tongue Tie
Infant Suck Training Exercises
Suck Training Exercises for the older baby
Suck Training Exercises prior to Tongue Tie Release
Lactation Solutions of Princeton: Gentle massage and exercises for babies
♡ Paced bottle-feeding.
Peel Region: Paced bottle feeding
♡ Tongue ties.
How to examine a baby for a tongue-tie or lip-tie
How tongue ties affect breastfeeding
Tongue Tie Release: Laser VS Scissors
Videos en Español: Cómo examinar a tu bebé y cómo hacer los ejercicios:
Tongue Tie Examination and Stretches (Spanish)
♡ Pumping.
Printable nipple ruler for flange fitting
♡ Supplementation.
How to use a lactation aid at the breast
Safe preparation, storage and handling of powdered infant formula: guidelines
Infant Formula Preparation and Storage
♡ Domperidone.
Use of domperidone to support lactation
Canadian Breastfeeding Foundation - Domperidone
♡ Gentle Manual Therapeutic Techniques in Lactation
♡ Freebies
Scroll down to download free handouts and guides.
♡ Providers.
If you need a referral list please contact us to info@mamasaulait.com and we'll email it to you.
♡ Support.
Breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, pumping, relactation, weaning, solids, sleep... we're here to help!